Archive | October, 2010

Hello, world!

23 Oct

I realize this post ought to have been before the previous post. This is Finn just a mere 2 or more hours after his birth. In the previous post, he is 2 days old.

Finley Ellison Smeltz

21 Oct

Born October 19th at 5:59pm. 8 pounds, 3 ounces. 20 3/4 inches long. Here he is at barely 2 days old. I am in love.

Downtown Finds

17 Oct

Personal Style: October

12 Oct

Maybe what I would wear if I weren’t multiple sizes larger than I used to be at the moment.

Finley’s Nursery

4 Oct

I finally took some pictures of Finn’s nursery. I think the photos make it seem so much busier than it actually feels IN the room. Isn’t that rug psychedelic??? It’s kind of insanely awesome. Tummy time is going to be trippy. By the way, my official due date is NEXT Monday but our boy might be occupying this room within the week. You never know….